X Code of conduct – Parents & Students, Teachers

Code of Conduct for Students

Students have a right to feel safe in the school, learn in a challenging environment to the best of their ability, be treated with respect by other students and teachers and be listened to.  However, they must also adhere to the following code of conduct:

Respect for the Institution

  1. Keep the buildings, class-rooms, corridors and grounds clean in good condition. Spend five minutes prior to beginning of every class cleaning your surroundings.
  2. Students are expected to treat school property with care and respect. This includes school playfields, lawns, buildings, equipments, books, transportation vehicles and possession of others. Don’t cause destruction, defacement or damage to school properties. Graffiti on walls, doors or furniture is strictly prohibited.
  3. Carefully handle the equipments, fixtures and appliances of the labs. Careless handling/misuse of the above could result in personal injuries or damage to property. In the event of damage of property, the responsible students will have to bear the cost of replacement/repair with fine.
  4. No student shall enter or leave the class room when the session is on without the permission of the teacher concerned. The students are not permitted to leave school campus during school hours without prior parental and administrative permission.
  5. Share information with school officials regarding matters which may endanger the safety/health or welfare of the school community.
  6. Care must be taken to observe the "green rules" in order to maintain clean, green surroundings. That is, school premises will not be littered with disposable tumblers, papers or polythene bags.
  7. Students are expected to conserve water and electricity.

Respect for Learning

  • Be punctual and regular in attendance and make efforts to maximise achievements in all areas of Education.
  • Enter or leave the class with prior permission.
  • Take progressive responsibility and ownership for your own learning. Complete tasks as allotted.
  • Complete class work and homework assignments on time.
  • Keep library books in good condition.
  • Assemblies are planned and scheduled for educational and informational purposes throughout the school year. Students must adhere to guidelines as mentioned:
  1. Stand to the assembly in an orderly manner.
  2. Be respectful to guests and speakers.
  3. Upon dismissal, leave the assembly in an orderly manner.
  • Inform parents of educational progress and to ensure that all school communication is effectively delivered.
  • Show respect to teachers & elders & consideration for peers.
  • Seek clarification or guidance in a polite manner. There should be no rowdyism or shouting.
  • Do not use unfair means during assessments/examinations.

Respect for Self

  • Dress neatly and properly as per schools’ norms.
  • Highlighting and dyeing of hair, permanent tattoos, jewelry items, fancy nails, eye or face makeup, fancy shoes are not allowed.
  • Carrying mobile phones, Smart watches, iPods, electronic equipment, valuable articles and cash more than Rs. 500/- to school is prohibited.

Respect for Others

  • Be tolerant and respectful of diversity.
  • Behave in a manner which does not endanger the health and safety of self or others.
  • Behave with courtesy and consideration for others.  In particular, students must refrain from all forms of bullying, violence, verbal intimidation and harassment.
  • Students must strive to resolve all conflicts by peaceful means.
  • Demonstrate respectful behavior in classroom. Refrain from behavior which would disrupt classroom instruction.
  • Do not instigate other co-students or juniors to indulge in any misbehavior or any

form of anti-school activity which will bring disrepute to the school and could spoil

the career of the concerned student.

  • While using Internet based technology the following guidelines need to be adhered to:
  1. Privacy – Users shall not intentionally seek information on or obtain copies of data or files belonging to another person unless authorized by that person.
  2. Passwords – Users shall not seek passwords or use passwords belonging to another person unless authorized and users shall take precautions to secure access of their personal password from others.
  3. Security: Users shall not attempt to infiltrate a computing system or network or alter the software components of a computing system or network or import files, which will jeopardize the security of the computing system or the network; and users shall not load software on computers without permission of a Computer Teacher.
  4. Unauthorized use of Wi-Fi to download any videos/documents is not allowed.
  5. Uploading any objectionable material on social media or circulating such material through mobile networks is a serious offence.

The following, if observed, shall be liable for strict disciplinary action and may lead to expulsion from school.

  • Substance Abuse/Possession or smoking/Physical abuse
  • Truancy
  • Display of aggression and violence
  • Bullying, use of fowl language, vulgar behavior and eve teasing
  • Driving any two wheeler/ four wheeler to school
  • Any form of gambling
  • Association with banned organizations
  • Possession of any weapon or use of any implement as weapon causing injury to a person or damage to property.
  • Deliberate damage to school property or infrastructure.
  • Theft/Pilferage of Schools’/Students’ property.

Specific case of indiscipline

  • Long absence without intimation
  • If a student remains absent for more than a week without informing the school , attention of the parents would be drawn to it in writing, asking the reason for absence.
  • Name to be struck off

If a student remains absent without good reason for more than a month, his name shall be struck off the rolls after giving due notice. Re-admission may be considered by the Principal.

  • Using unfair means

Incase cheating is noticed, the Answer sheet(s) shall be cancelled. Fresh answer book will be given. Parents would be notified about the incident and action taken.

For repetition of cheating, more drastic action shall be considered.

Dealing with serious acts of indiscipline

Set out below are a few illustrative, not exhaustive, guidelines for possible action by the HM/VP/Principal.  Obviously, the aim of the school is always reformative and not punitive.

Nature of act 1st offence 2nd offence 3rd offence
a Possession or               use of drugs, smoking or        drinking Counselling by the School          Counsellor in the presence of


Suspension for 6 days from class.   Counselling by the Counsellor.  Parents to be informed. Proceedings for expulsion from the school to be initiated.
b Stealing or appropriating            property of another student  Parents to be informed.  Student   to apologize in writing in the presence of the victim, with an assurance not to   repeat such acts. Parents to be informed.  Student   informed. Apology`

before the class.

Issue of Yellow Card for one day.

Apology before school assembly and issue of Red Card for six days.



c Wilful damage to school property Parents to be

informed.  Full cost to be recovered.

Issue of Red card & suspension of six  days. Parents to be informed. Proceedings* for expulsion to be initiated.
d ·        Possession or use of fireworks in     School      premises



·        Possession of objectionable material or posting of offensive matter on social media platform.

Suspension from class for one day Counselling. Parents to be informed.


Suspension from class for one day Counselling. Parents to be informed.

Issue of Red Card.   Parents to be informed.


Issue of Red Card.   Parents to be informed.

Proceedings* for expulsion to be initiated.


Proceedings* for expulsion to be initiated.

e ·        Possession of weapon or use of any implement as weapon causing    injury to person or damage to property.

·        Involvement in physical abuse

Parents to be informed.  Award    of Red Card for six days.  Public apology.




Parents to be informed.  Award    of Red Card for six days.  Public apology.

Proceedings* for expulsion to be initiated.




Proceedings* for expulsion to be initiated.

*Expulsion is applicable only to students of Class IX and above. Under the Rights to Education Act no student can be expelled till the age of 14 or till Class VIII.

  • No corporal punishment may be administered under any circumstances.


Code of Conduct for Educators

Code of Conduct serves as a guiding compass for teachers seek to steer an ethical and respectful course through their career in teaching and to uphold the honour and dignity of the teaching profession.

  • Teachers uphold human dignity and promote equality and emotional and cognitive development. In their professional practice, teachers demonstrate respect for spiritual and cultural values, diversity, social justice, freedom, democracy and the environment.
  • Teachers’ practice is motivated by the best interests of the pupils/students entrusted to their care. Teachers show this through positive influence, professional judgement and empathy in practice.
  • Integrity Honesty, reliability and moral action are embodied in integrity. Teachers exercise integrity through their professional commitments, responsibilities and actions.
  • Teachers should be caring, fair and committed to the best interests of the pupils/students entrusted to their care, and seek to motivate, inspire and celebrate effort and success.
  • Acknowledge and respect the uniqueness, individuality and specific needs of pupils/ students and promote their holistic development.
  • Seek to develop positive relationships with pupils/students, colleagues, parents, school management and others in the school community, that are characterized by professional integrity and judgement
  • Work to establish and maintain a culture of mutual trust and respect in their schools.
  • Act with honesty and integrity in all aspects of their work.
  • Respect the privacy of others and the confidentiality of information gained in the course of professional practice.
  • Avoid conflict between their professional work and private interests which could reasonably be deemed to impact negatively on pupils/students.
  • Take all reasonable steps in relation to the care of pupils/students under their supervision, so as to ensure their safety and welfare.
  • Work within the framework of relevant legislation and regulations.
  • Comply with agreed national and school policies, procedures and guidelines which aim to promote pupil/student education and welfare and child protection.
  • Report, where appropriate, incidents or matters which impact on pupil/student welfare.
  • Communicate effectively with pupils/students, colleagues, parents, school management and others in the school community in a manner that is professional, collaborative and supportive, and based on trust and respect.
  • Ensure that any communication with pupils/ students, colleagues, parents, and others is appropriate, including communication via electronic media, such as e-mail, texting and social networking sites. Also take the consent of authorities before initiating communication with the parents.
  • Maintain high standards of practice in relation to pupil/student learning, planning, monitoring, assessing, reporting and providing feedback.
  • Apply professional knowledge and experience in facilitating pupils’/students’ holistic development.
  • Plan and communicate clear, challenging and achievable expectations for pupils/students.
  • Create an environment where pupils/ students can become active agents in the learning process and develop lifelong learning skills.
  • Develop teaching, learning and assessment strategies that support differentiated learning in a way that respects the dignity of all pupils/ students.
  • Take personal responsibility for sustaining and improving the quality of their professional practice by actively maintaining their professional knowledge and understanding to ensure it is current, reflecting on and critically evaluating their professional practice, in light of their professional knowledge base and availing of opportunities for career-long professional development
  • Professional Collegiality and Collaboration: work with teaching colleagues and student teachers in the interests of sharing, developing and supporting good practice and maintaining the highest quality of educational experiences for pupils/students and work in a collaborative manner with pupils/students, parents/guardians, school management, other members of staff, relevant professionals and the wider school community, as appropriate, in seeking to effectively meet the needs of pupils/students.
  • The teacher is responsible for diagnosing educational needs, prescribing and implementing instructional programs and evaluating progress of pupils
  • The teacher treats pupils with dignity and respect and is considerate of their circumstances.
  • The teacher may not accept pay for tutoring a pupil in any subjects in which the teacher is responsible for giving classroom instruction to that pupil.
  • The teacher may not take advantage of a professional position to profit from the sale of goods or services to or for pupils in the teacher's charge.
  • Corporal punishment and student abuse is strictly banned and a punishable offence.
  • Counselling may be used to guide students who deviate from the norms of desired behavior.
  • Use language that motivates and encourages students.


Class Teacher

  • Ensure that students wear proper and complete school uniform and report to school on time.
  • Regular checking of bags for any objectionable material.
  • Instill positive values in children and encourage them to keep the furniture in an orderly manner. Breakage if any should be brought to the notice of VP/HM.
  • Motivate children to keep their classroom neat and tidy.
  • Maintain the attendance and leave records of students. Care must be taken to fill student details in the attendance register accurately.
  • Student diary should be effectively used as a means of communication between parents and the school. Language should be respectful and courteous.
  • Confidential files of students should be maintained carefully. All entries with regard to student achievement must be entered regularly in the file.
  • Circulars should be sent to the parent at appropriate time.

Bus In charge

  • Maintain a record of data pertaining to residential address, contact numbers, of all the students commuting by bus.
  • Morning and afternoon attendance should be taken in a prompt manner.
  • In case the driver is driving rashly, immediately inform authorities.
  • It’s mandatory for the conductor to be in the bus.
  • No student should travel standing in the bus.
  • In the afternoon, students should be handed over to the authorized person only.
  • A well-equipped first-aid box should be in the bus.
  • Any breakage, such as that of window or grill should be reported to authorities.
  • No unauthorized person should be allowed to travel in the bus.
  • Students should be trained to not put any body part outside the window.
  • In case the bus is delayed, information should be given to the school office.


Code of Conduct for Parents

Parents/guardians have a responsibility to

  • Encourage and sensitize children about the importance of observing school rules.
  • Work in a collaborative manner to ensure actualization of your wards potential.
  • Communicate relevant information and concerns to the school.(students medical history and background, details of medication and allergy if any)
  • Electronic devices compete for students’ attention. Ensure that students do not bring any such device to the school.
  • Spend time in the evening with your child and help them pack their bags or any other material required for class activity the next day.
  • Assist and guide your ward in timely completion of home assignments and projects.
    • To support and instill in children the value of various types of homework.
    • To demonstrate academic integrity and not give so much help that the value of the homework is destroyed.
    • To contact the class teacher for queries and assistance if problems develop that are not resolved by the student.
    • Encourage and motivate your ward to participate in school activities and events with full enthusiasm and gusto.
    • Prepare and encourage your ward to give their very best in all school assessments.
    • To bring to the notice of authorities any case of bullying or abuse that comes to your notice.
    • To always act respectfully to teachers, administrators, and other parents and students.
    • To show support for teachers and administrators, setting an example for your ward.
    • Attend PTM’s regularly.
    • Ensure that the diary is carried by your ward daily to the school. Check it daily for any communication from school.
    • Send healthy and balanced meals in school lunch. Also ensure that the child has had adequate sleep, is well rested and had breakfast in the morning.
    • Send your ward in clean and proper school uniform. It’s mandatory for students to wear I Card.
    • Parents must carry their parents I card issued by school when entering school premises.
    • Parents are restricted from entering classroom during regular school days.
    • Monitor your wards progress and meet the concerned teachers by taking prior appointments.
    • Visit the school website for notifications and updates.
    • Any change in address or telephone number should be immediately intimated to school.