(Secondary & Sr. Secondary)
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret to getting started is breaking the complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks and then starting on the first one."
Dear Parent,
The ever changing and ever evolving eduscape is a continuum, fanning latent potentialities of students, opening their eyes to vistas, hitherto unexplored, fine tuning the senses to chisel them into sensitive and sensible human beings with voracious appetite for lifelong learning. Please find below a few guidelines that will help your ward to sail smoothly to achieve success.
- We encourage students to participate in sports and Summer Camp and other co-curricular activities for their all round development of their personalities.
- We expect students to come well groomed to school. We discourage unkempt hair, fashionable hair style, fancy nail paint, mehandi and expensive jewellery. Boys look smart with neat crew cut hair.
- We discourage use of mobile phones in school. Students can make use of school phone in case of emergency. Any mobile phone found in possession of any child will be confiscated.
- We request you to fill student information page carefully and keep us updated with latest changes in phone no. or address.
- We expect students to maintain minimum 75% attendance which is compulsory as per CBSE. Students may not be allowed to appear for exam if they fail to fulfill this essential criteria.
- Parents are requested to submit leave application in case the child takes leave. No half day leave will be granted. Please do not forward any such application for half day especially during exam days.
- Internal assessment is an essential component of evaluation of student’s performance. It is based on project files and practical files maintained by your ward. You are requested to ensure that your ward makes these submissions on regular basis and earns due credit for them in Formative Assessment.
- Please ensure that your ward carries the school diary to school daily. Also check the diary on daily basis and acknowledge the notes if any.
- Polite, courteous students are appreciated by all. Please discuss with class teacher if you notice any sudden change in behaviour whether aggressive and depressive.
- Please monitor the company of your ward as it makes a strong influence on Child’s behaviour. Also please monitor his/her cyber activities on phone and internet. Please teach him cyber ethics and ensure that you become an active participant in his on line group chats and activities.
For Class-IX
The CBSE registration is an important document and due care must be exercised to ensure correct data is personally filled by the parents in the form provided and duly signed. Any changes in name or DOB or any other status thereafter will not be entertained.
For Class-XI
Allotment of streams in class-XI is done on merit basis as per CGPA earned by your ward. Please ensure that your ward performs consistent well in all exams. SA-1 marks are very important for preliminary allotment. Please ensure that your ward score well in all Summative and Formative assessments.
(Guidelines for Parents - Primary)
“Each one agreed they would have failed if each one had worked alone, far behind the parent stood the school and behind the teacher, the home”.
Dear Parent,
Our endeavour has always been to forge lifelong bonds with children and their parents and therefore, this relationship assumes great value for all of us. We believe that the common objectives can be best achieved by sharing responsibility and partnering with parents.
In the same direction, we have the following guidelines for you. Kindly extend your cooperation in ensuring the same. We hope, together we will be able to create a healthy environment for the children entrusted to our care.
- Please ensure that your child comes to school neatly dressed in the school uniform. I-Card is mandatory.
- The child should carry everyday: 2 tiffin boxes (fruit lunch and proper lunch) and a water bottle. Please do not send any junk food. The child must also carry a napkin and a handkerchief every day.
- For birthday celebrations, no costly gifts and no sweets are to be brought for the peer group or for the staff members. No cards for birthday parties will be allowed for distribution in the class. No requests for the telephone numbers of other parents will be entertained.
- It is very important to observe punctuality in picking and dropping your child.
- If you are forming a carpool, please submit a letter duly signed by all the carpool parents to the respective class teachers. No ad hoc requests for allowing the child to be picked up by an unauthorized person will be entertained.
- Your child must come to school with his/her Identity Card.
- No parent will be allowed to meet the class teacher without prior appointment.
- No child should be taken home without the prior written permission of the class teacher and the Headmistress.
- It is our endeavour that students do not carry heavy load on their back, so a schedule of books and notebooks has been provided. Kindly ensure that your ward follows the same.
- Diary is an important tool for communication; please ensure that you acknowledge all notes sent through the diary. Please intimate the class teacher of any change in the credentials you have furnished in the diary.
- Kindly refrain sending your ward to school if he/she is sick. Children suffering from any disease should provide a fitness certificate on the day of joining.
- We discourage half day leave as it causes undue inconvenience to all concerned. In case of family engagement or illness please take full day leave. In case half day leave is taken after exam, exam is liable to be cancelled.
We should always remind ourselves that children will not remember you for the gifts you shower upon them but will always cherish the time you always spent with them. So, let’s spend half the money and double the time with our little ones.