Promotion Policy


The school follows a ‘NO DETENTION POLICY’

    1. Promotion to the next class will be on the basis of average performance in all the subjects.
    2. For promotion, a student should secure D grade or above in all the subjects.
    3. In case a student is unable to secure D grade in all the subjects then the student has to appear for re-assessment in the subject/s in which he/she has secured E grade.
    4. It is mandatory for a child to appear in all the Terms, if absent due to any reason, then he/ she has to submit a medical/ application for the same.
    5. In order to promote games, sports and other co-curricular activities in the school, if a child has brought laurels to the institution or participated at Zonal/State level competition, then he/she will be given additional 5 grace marks, if required, after verifying from the concerned activity experts.


    1. Attendance

(a)       75% attendance is mandatory for promotion to the next higher class.

(b)       15% shortage in attendance can be condoned on account of Medical grounds (To be validated with Medical Certificate)

(c)       Case of a candidate with attendance less than 60% shall be put up to the Principal for condonation.

    1. To be promoted to the next higher class a student must secure 33% marks in the aggregate and a minimum of 33% in each subject in Annual Examination and Internal Assessment as well.
    2. A student scoring less than 33% (Annual Exam / Cumulative) in 03 or more subjects will be detained in the same class.
    3. For Classes VI to IX, a student scoring less than 33% marks (Annual Exam/Cumulative) in one or two subjects will be given Compartment.
    4. A student appearing for Compartment Exam must score 33% marks in the Compartment Exam to be promoted to the next higher class failing which he/she will be placed in 'DETAINED CATEGORY'.