

Bhoomi Singh (XII):

Medini Singh (V):

Shourya Sahu (II):

Sagar Singh (VIII):

Shivani Dwivedi (XII):

Anushmi Vyas (II):

Aradhya Gupta (V):

Niharika Singh (VI):

Abhinav Shukla (V):

Falguni Kaushik (III):

Mother of Suryansh Singh (III):

Mother of Astha Tiwari (III):

Trisha Sinha (IV):

Jyothiraditya (V):

Sagar's Parents (VII):

It was very great experience to watch these videos in which all the students did really well. All the students who are participating in such activities enhances their confidence level. From these types of videos students gain lot of knowledge.


Damini's Parents (VIII):

Respected Teachers
These video are really informative, its amazing to watch these presentation. It was honour to listen speech by the students and teachers. The children also danced well, this is good to see students apart from studies taking interest in co activities please accept our thanks for a great presentation.


Gaurav's Parents(XII):

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the school staff and teachers for keeping up with my child's education during this time of a pandemic. The kind of hard work teachers are putting into their studies really show how dedicated and inclined they are towards shaping a better future for my child and his mates. I would really like to appreciate teachers for trying their best to make all the activities sessions interactive and fun oriented


Abhinav 's Mother (IV):

Teachers are doing wonderful things to increase our kids knowledge using new technology. A lot many thanks to all the teachers who are involved in giving to best efforts for online classes for our children.


Shivam's Parents (XII):

The school always takes intiative to educate the children in all aspects .We appreciate the afforts of teacher.These co scholastic activities help in enrichment of children.


Kratika's parents (III):

Thank you for your hardwork on Diwali. All students performances are very good such as diwali song and decoration All students should be active. Thanks to Teachers and Principal sir The reason behind children good performance are the teachers and parents.


Nimisha's Father (XI):

Yes, it was really amazing attempt in Children day celebration . Thank you very much and wish you all a very Happy Diwali. Education day was celebrated by children very enthusiastically. It's nice to see all children participating in large number. All credit goes to the teacher and absolutely to the captain of the ship.


Bhoovi Bhatia's Mother (XI):

Respected teachers you all are doing very well. You all are working so hard for the benefit of children, I am so much glad that my daughter is doing much better as teacher's continuous support is there with her. Moreover principal sir also enthuses her. We owe to all the teachers that they are standing like pillars beside my daughter. Thank you so much for such wonderful videos of Diwali, National Unity day ,daughters day and Children's day .These videos shows the hard work done by teachers and students Keep on doing this type of good work for our children, thank you so much sir


Parents of Anurag Dwivedi (VI)

बच्चों व्दारा किया गया कार्य एवं प्रस्तुति बहुत ही अच्छा और सराहनीय है यह गुरुओ का ज्ञान रुपी प्रकाश और आशिर्वाद है सादर प्रणाम


Parents of Tanay Sharma (VI)

Very nice work done by these children...keep it up... And happy diwali and happy children's day to all the children and teacher...


Parents of Shaan Sharma -Mr.Sandesh Sharma and Mrs. Radhika Sharma...

I am proud that every student who studies in the school is enjoying a lot by the way the teachers teach and the way all the activities are conducted at the school. Commemorations of Diwali and Children's Day were very enriching. I thank all the teachers who did a lot of hard work to make these videos.


Yuvraj's mother (VI):

Very nice work done by these children...keep it up... And happy diwali and happy children's day to all the children and teacher...


अभिभावक, रूबी अली, स्टूडेंट - अली:

मैं बहुत खुश हूं कि आप लोग एस मुश्किल परिस्थिति में भी हमारे बच्चों को पढ़ा रहे हैं आप रात दिन मेहनत कर कर हमारे बच्चों को तैयार कर रहे हैं और उन्हें नई नई चीजें करने का मौका भी दे रहे हैं मैंने दिवाली और चिल्ड्रंस डे की सेलिब्रेशन की वीडियो देखी औरमुझे देख कर बहुत अच्छा लगा कि उसमें सभी बच्चे थे और अब टीचर्स ने हमारे बच्चों के लिए क्या-क्या किया आपको उस वीडियो में बहुत मेहनत लगी होगी लेकिन फिर भी आप लोगों ने उस वीडियो को तैयार किया अगर आप नहीं होते तो हमारे बच्चे शायद कुछ समझ नहीं पाते आप सभी का बहुत-बहुत शुक्रिया कि आप हमारे बच्चों के लिए इतना कुछ कर रहे हैं बिना कुछ सोचे आप उन्हें तैयार कर रहे हैं शायद यह सारी चीजें बहुत छोटी होंगी मगर मेरे पास शब्द नहीं है कि मैं आप सभी का शुक्रिया अदा कर सकूं।


Anisha Patidar, Mother of Darshani Patidar( VI)

We parents are very much inspired by your way of teaching , sometimes touched by the videos which you make with your full gratitude . Because of those videos only parents + teachers + children join together and find the way for the future of a child.
Activities conducted by you are the regular initiation for the children.
Few lines I had made only for teachers like you..are as follows....
Thank u very much


दीक्षा चौधरी (कक्षा-Vll) एवं विवेक चौधरी (कक्षा-Vl):


यह रचनात्मक वीडियो मुझे बहुत अच्छा लगा । इस प्रकार के क्रियाकलापों द्वारा बच्चों में ज्ञान अर्जन करने की इच्छा जागृत होती है, पुस्तकों से लगाव बढ़ता है और बच्चों में छिपी हुई प्रतिभा सामने आती है , जिससे शिक्षक इस प्रतिभा को और अधिक निखार पाते हैं।

बाल भारती स्कूल इस प्रकार के क्रियाकलाप कराता रहता है ।यहां पर बच्चों के सर्वांगीण विकास का विशेष ध्यान रखा जाता है। यहां खेलकूद, ड्राइंग, कहानी लेखन, गीत , नृत्य ,वाद- विवाद प्रतियोगिता आदि बहुत- सी क्रियाएं सिखाई जाती है तथा प्रतियोगिताएं कराई जाती है ।यहां के शिक्षक हमेशा बच्चों की समस्याओं को हल करने में मदद करते हैं। सभी शिक्षक अपने- अपने विषय के योग्य शिक्षक हैं शिक्षक बच्चों को अपने बच्चों के समान मानकर पढ़ाते हैं। यहां के प्राचार्य महोदय बच्चों के सर्वांगीण विकास पर विशेष ध्यान देते हैं। यह स्कूल मेरे बच्चों को सफल बनाने में भरपूर सहयोग दे रहा है ।मुझे यह स्कूल प्रिय है।


Aparna Singh Mother of Gargi Singh (Class 7th) and Medini Singh (Class 4th):
Respected teachers,
Ma'am i really want to thank you and all the teachers of BBPS family. Where teachers so hardworking, creative and innovative. Both my kids really enjoy and happily learn the innovative content sent by you all. A big thank you to all the teachers for all the timely updates and taking such good care of the children. All the PPTs, videos and worksheets sent by the teachers are so good and informative. It totally reflects the kind of hardwork, time and energy that all the teachers are putting in for preparing such interactive and informative lessons! Your videos are just awesome. Especially the way you explain...it's very nice. It feels as if one is sitting in the class. And overalls activities are so awesome.
Thank you so very much teachers for all the hardwork that you all are doing for our kids.
A standing ovation for the guiding force of our kids....our kids are right and safe hands!


Ravishankar Singh Father of Jyotiraditya Singh (Class IV):
You are doing amazing things to increase our kid’s knowledge using new techniques. We are truly grateful to all the teachers and other members of school staff who are involved in giving their best efforts to offer online classes to our children. I am completely amazed for your efforts and there is no word on how to encourage all of you. So the only response to your efforts is that we feel blessed that our children have such a wonderful teacher.


Mother of Shraddha (Mont 1):
Literacy week was very beautiful. Very proud of my daughter and all the children and thanks to respected principal sir and all the teachers for all your support to the children.


Mother of Ibrahim (Mont 1):
Reading and Learning is the good skill for childern and we all parents are proud of our children. Thanks to respected Principal sir and all Teachers.


Father of Damini (Class VIII):
Literacy week celebration provided a new experience, awareness, building about the world outside home .It improved communication and concentration in the students. All the students enjoyed alot .Thank you all for this creative and informative activity conducted and thanks for your appreciation. Thank you for guiding the kids, inspiring them and all you did for them. We are very grateful to have our child taught by such admirable teachers.
Thank you!


Father of Shivani Goswami (Class VIII):
It is very great to see children doing such activities. It also inspires my children to participate. By conducting such activities students understand the value and importance of reading in nowadays life. I must appreciate the efforts that school and teachers are doing for our children’s. Conducting literacy week celebration was very good idea for children. I saw the determination in children towards their goal. All students are trying to do more and more better....
I would like to just suggest that school should keep on conducting such activities making children aware of nowadays life...
Thank you


Gopal Shivhare Father of Harshita Shivhare (Class VI):
I have seen the video of Literacy Week Celebration which was very beneficial for the students and I'm extremely delighted to see children doing all these enriching activities that are conducted by the school. And the school is taking good care of children about their studies.


Father of Aashi Sharma (Class VI):
The video of literacy week activities 5th to 11 September 2020 is just excellent because through this activity bonding between students and books has been strengthened.


Father of Dhananjai Singh:
Teachers of Bal Bharati Public School Neelbad are extremely dedicated towards the students. They have genuine concern towards the students. With their efforts and activities they inspire the students. They acknowledge the work done by the students and thus students stay in the motivated frame of mind.


Mother of Anushmi Class 1:
Our daughter Anushmi has richly benefited from Online classes. Teachers have always extended the required support.


Father of Rudhransh Class 1:
My child Rudransh is learning at a good pace in the online classes. Sometimes network problem is there but teachers are trying their utmost to help the children.


Mother of Priyal Class 1:
We were thinking that children will suffer a lot due to Corona pandemic. We are grateful to teachers that they didn't let the children suffer at all.


Parents of Naman Class 1:
Respected teachers
I am extremely grateful to you for giving your compassionate support to our children during the spell of Corona pandemic.
You didn't let my child suffer even upto little extent.


Father of Abhijeet Raikwar Class 10:
We, parents are so grateful to all the teachers that they all are making such intense efforts for our child. We truly appreciate your efforts that you are making everyday for the brighter future of our child. We know that perfect teachers are hard to find, but for us, you all are the best teachers for our child. Thanks a lot teachers for your care, support and blessings that you are giving to our child each day. We truly appreciate this!!


Mother of Shreya Golandaz Class 10:
Teachers, we parents thank you for being an excellent educator. We appreciate your time, your patience and your ability to make a boring subject interesting. Thankyou for all the efforts that you are making each day to help our child grow. You encourage them to overcome the difficulties. We love the way you teach them! Thanks for the support and guidance of yours to our child.


Parent of Suryansh Class 2:
It was good experience to learn thing online in such a tough time due to covid- 19 pandemic, you have always maintained high standard quality of teaching.


Mother of Aastha Tiwari (Class II):
Concept of Take Home Session is good for students.
All videos posted for learning are useful to learn and understand the subject matter.
Thanks to the teaching staff for new way of learning experience for my small child.


Mother of Falguni (Class II):
All the teachers are working so hard to help the children in such tough times.


Ms Sunita Tiwari Mother of Uday Tiwari (XII Commerce):
You are all wonderful teachers. Your teaching techniques are very good. Your way of revision is very nice. Sir, your videos are very inspirational for my child and other students. In your videos children learn new things. In this time of corona pandemic teachers are doing extremely hard efforts for the education of children.
We pay gratitude to all the teachers.


Father of Vedansh Gautam (XI Science):
Quality of teaching: As far as teaching is concerned, it is good. School is having a good faculty in every subject.
Relevance of THS: THS is an essential part of revision for examinations as it enable children to clear their doubts at the moment with respective faculty. I liked this idea of THS’s. It is really good.
Videos posted on groups are also very good. Students can watch videos that are posted on the groups according to their convenience as there is no compulsion on the students to watch these videos at a particular time. Live classes are also very interactive.


Mr OP Vyas: My Granddaughter Anushmi is studying in class I. In the last three months she has remained engaged in so many meaningful activities. Academically she has not suffered at all. She on the contrary has learnt to make good use of her time. By participating in multiple co-academic activities she has become very sharp and creative. I am extremely grateful to the teachers for this.

Ms Neha Mandrwal: My child Angad is in class Mont II. When this lockdown period started, I grew worried. By I am grateful to the teachers and school management of Bal Bharati Public School Neelbad for making brilliant arrangements of virtual classes for the children. My child has been richly benefited with these classes. His confidence level has grown manifold in the last three months.

Ms Shaifta Anjum : I am the mother of Zyna, the students of class V. In the last three months my daughter has not had any difficulty in keeping pace with her syllabus. She has made the best use of highly useful virtual classes. All the teachers go an extra mile to make their teaching sessions useful and productive for the students. Zyna has become highly expressive by participating in different co-curricular activities.

Ms Aparna Singh: My two daughters are the students of Bal Bharati Public School, Neelbad. Gargi Singh is my elder daughter studying in class VII and Medini Singh is my younger daughter studying in class IV. Both the daughters have found the virtual classes exceedingly useful. They have got complete clarity of every concept that was explained through these virtual classes. All teachers explain every concept making optimum use of the IT Tools.


Mr Mallay Bhattacharya : My daughter Nimisha is in class XI Commerce Stream. She is a responsible student and she is being taught in a very responsible manner by all her teachers. Child is getting ample clarity of the concept and she is doing well in her tests. She is overcoming her hesitation by participating in different creative and educative activities.


Mr Vivek Kumar Singh : I am father of Bhoomi Singh and Sagar Singh. Bhoomi is the student of class XI Science and Sagar is the student of class VII. Both the children remain focussed on their studies even during these lockdown days. They may not be attending the school but both of them remain absorbed in their studies. I am grateful to school teachers for providing very useful learning and practice resource for the children.


Mr Shailendra : My two children Aditya and Palak Singh are studying in Bal Bharati Public School Neelbad. Both these students have shown remarkable improvement in their studies during Lockdown period. The Virtual and online classes that are being conducted in the school are very useful for the children. It is all evident that teachers are doing strong preparation for making these classes effective. I am grateful to the teachers.


Ms Kavita Singh : My two children Anvesh and Niharika are studying in the school. Anvesh is in class X and Niharika is in Class V. Both the children are finding the virtual classes very useful. They never miss the classes. Teachers’ preparation and delivery of content is very strong. Teaching is highly interactive and compassionate. Both the children are being benefited.


School Toppers Share Success Tips will one and all both big and small
Shruti Pandharipande Class XII Topper with 94.6% marks

School Toppers Share Success Tips will one and all both big and small
Bhoomi Singh Class X Topper with 91% marks